First thing's first: the corgi's name is Beans (brb sobbing). Mikaela and Jake originally reached out to me in the September of 2022 for some fall fall foliage engagement pics - we picked a date, drove to the location, and it started pouring. Typical Massachusetts. We tried to reschedule for another fall date, but between my packed calendar and their grad school responsibilities, we ended up pushing their session to spring of this year. Most people would be frustrated by this (me included), but these two never complained and in fact reassured ME each time I apologized for the difficult logistics. Truly good people, I was so excited to finally meet them!

Our session landed on a cold, cloudy spring day but we did get lucky with the magnolias! I think every Boston photographer has their favorite magnolia tree and this one is mine, I love that there's a little ledge to do seated poses. Beans was an absolute ham, he absolutely knew how to work the camera. Mikaela and Jake were so natural and comfortable despite the chilly wind, it was so sweet to see how they naturally gravitated toward each other - I just gave them basic framework directions and let them be themselves! A couple months after this session, I also got to take some pictures of their joint grad party. They've since moved out of state and I'm definitely sad I won't get the chance to scritch Beans again but I wish them all the best in their next exciting phase of life!